You've set up your first model(s) in MadKudu Data Studio and are now ready to segment your Leads, Contacts, or Accounts directly in your CRM, MAP, or Data Warehouse? Here is how to proceed!
Supported integrations
With MadKudu you can build person-level or account-level segmentations. By segmentation, we mean models, computations, and aggregations. Here are the supported destinations and objects where you can push these segmentations to.
Person | Account | |
Salesforce | ✅ Lead & Contact | ✅ Account |
HubSpot | ✅ Contact | ❌ Company |
Segment | ✅ Identify | ❌ Group |
Amazon S3 | ✅ Contact | ❌ Account (Coming soon) |
Intercom | ✅ Contact (Lead, visitor, user) | NA |
Eloqua | ✅ Contact* (custom setup) | ❌ Account |
You can also use MadKudu Persons or Companies API to access your Customer Fit or Computations result. Behavioral segmentations (likelihood to buy models and aggregations) aren't available in the API.
How to start pushing MadKudu data to your integrations?
Make sure you have connected your integrations to MadKudu in the Integrations section in your account. Please refer to the Integrations docs for instructions.
Create or make sure the MadKudu fields are present in your CRM.
MadKudu fields in HubSpot (if you have connected MadKudu to HubSpot from HubSpot, the fields should have been created automatically)
MadKudu fields in Eloqua
For the other integrations (Segment, Intercom) you can skip this step as they get automatically created when connecting the destination to MadKudu. Please refer to the specific article about Segment integration.
For Amazon S3 there is no concept of fields to create since the data will be in the form of files dropped into your S3 bucket. However, you can refer to this article to understand the data format pushed.
To push a Person-Level segmentation
To push to Amazon S3 or Eloqua, or if you already have a customer fit model pushed to any of the supported integration and would like to push a new one, please open a ticket here as the setup needs to be enabled by our team.
To push to Salesforce, HubSpot, Segment or Intercom, please follow the instructions below.
Pre - requisites
You have the permissions of an Admin in your MadKudu account
Ready? Let's go!
Connect to your MadKudu account and head to Settings > Push
Click on Get started
Select the segmentations to push
Click Confirm
Select the destinations to push the segmentations to
Tip: You can decide to push only to 1 system and then synchronize the data to your systems together on your end, or push to multiple destinations MadKudu data. If you choose to push to multiple destinations, make sure that internal sync processes on your end are not overwriting the MadKud fields to avoid discrepancies due to latencies.
Click on Confirm
Follow the instructions on the screen for each destination to
map the fields to be populated
select which records to score: all the database of lead or contact in your system will be scored and get updated on an ongoing basis. Or you can choose for Salesforce and HubSpot to score only records created after a certain date. Learn more about realtime & batch scoring and rate limiting.
Please note that for Segment, only records active in the last 1 to 90 days (timeframe you can customize) can be scored.
Review your mapping and conditions
Click on Start syncing to complete the setup. MadKudu will start scoring records in your integrations at the next sync process.
Then MadKudu will process your data continuously, scoring new records created in realtime and updating existing records at every sync process if any new data is available to push. Learn more about realtime & batch scoring and rate limiting.
In the integrations where a push is set up you'll see the field mapping in the integration's page
Et voila, check back in your integration when the data starts flowing!
To push an Account-level segmentation
Only push to Salesforce is available.
Please open a ticket here with the following information and we'll set it up for you.
Model(s), computations or aggregations to push
API name of the fields to push to (if different from the suggested names)
Can MadKudu sync data to my integrations only at fixed hours?
No, MadKudu processes your data continuously in batch and pushes updates every 4h to 12h. This allows pushing updates frequently to make sure your team can react quickly to hot qualified leads or accounts. Updates would occur in more than 4h apart when there are a lot of new data to process or a lot of models to process.
How can I turn off the push of MadKudu scores to my integrations?
You can either disable in your integration the user associated with MadKudu
Or open a ticket here for us to deactivate it on our end.
How can I push a multi-fit/second fit model to my integrations?
After deploying your multi-fit model from the Studio, please open a ticket here explaining:
the multi-fit model that you'd like to start pushing
the integration that will get the MadKudu intelligence
the name of the MadKudu fields in your integration
Can I push a second likelihood to buy model to my integrations?
Madkudu does not support deploying in the Studio nor pushing additional likelihood to buy models, beside:
1 Lead Likelihood to Buy model
1 Account Likelihood to Buy model.