Goal: to guide users through the process of ensuring that new fields mapped to MadKudu attributes are properly used in computations and deployed in Copilot, making them available for use in playbooks, filtering, and other functionalities.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: Pull Additional Fields
Recommendation: only pull fields that will be used downstream in the platform. Pulling all fields available will eat up some processing capacity and slow down the scoring of your records at the end of the pipeline.
Go to app.madkudu.com > Integrations > Salesforce > Pull.
Select the fields to add to the list of fields to pull, see the How to Pull Additional Fields documentation.
Select the timeframe of data to pull and click Pull Data.
You will receive a confirmation email in the following minutes or hours to know if the pull was successful.
Step 2: Verify Field Mapping
Navigate to the MadKudu admin dashboard and go to Attribute Mapping.
Check Field Mapping ensuring new fields are mapped to valid MadKudu attributes.
If fields are not properly mapped, re-map them following the MadKudu documentation.
Save any changes and re-verify the mappings.
Note that if the mapping configured for your organization was not standard (meaning not supported by the app interface), the page would be empty but the mapping would be available in the back-end and can be provided upon request.
Step 3: Utilize Attributes in Computations
Access Computations in the Computations section in MadKudu.
Verify if the newly mapped attributes are included in computations.
If they are not already utilized, create or update computations to include the new attributes.
Save and verify the computations are correctly configured.
Step 4: Deploy Computations
Within the app navigate to the Deployment or Processes section.
Ensure that the computations involving the new attributes are deployed.
Check for any errors or issues during deployment.
Confirm that the computations are listed as deployed and active.
Step 5: Check Deployment and Copilot Update
Verify the time since the last computation deployment (computations may not appear in Copilot until after the next refresh cycle, which is every 4 hours).
Log in as a user in Copilot and go to Columns Filter, All Accounts, All Persons, and Playbooks.
Check if the computations appear in filter options and playbook conditions. If not, verify the deployment status and ensure Copilot has refreshed.
If Computations Don't Appear, check the Processes page to confirm data workers are not blocked.
If everything is correct but computations still don’t appear, wait for the next refresh cycle or contact support.
For Assistance: Contact support@madkudu.com or refer to the internal FAQ and troubleshooting documentation.