You may have noticed a madkudu.js tag appearing on your website console. This is the MadKudu Tag
When is the MadKudu Tag installed on your website?
When you integrated your website via Segment to MadKudu
When you added the MadKudu Tag manually to your website
What is the MadKudu Tag for?
In short
Running MadKudu Fastlane on your website requires the installation of the MadKudu Tag
The MadKudu Tag sends the person's email to MadKudu Fastlane which will customize the web experience for that person as configured by your team (showing either your Sales team calendar or showing a thank you page).
What cookies are installed?
Cookies are small simple files that are installed along when users visit your website. The MadKudu Tag adds the following Analytics cookies when a user visits a page with MadKudu Tag installed:
mkjs_user_id - identification of user.
mkjs_group_id - identification of group/account
mkjs_anonymous_id - identification of anonymous user ID, in case the user is anonymous.
Fastlane cookies (can be removed if not using this feature)
MadKudu cookies will only be deposited on your users' browsers if you have previously installed the MadKudu snippet on your website.
Recommended article: How do I ensure my MadKudu Fastlane-powered forms are GDPR-compliant?