You have a subscription to 6sense intent data and would like to use these signals in MadKudu? This article is for you!
You have a 6sense account
You have integrated 6sense to Salesforce
You can create Salesforce Campaigns
Step 1: Enable the Salesforce option "Accounts as Campaign Members"
It is important to note that 6sense intent data is a signal attached to a company instead of a Lead/Contact for privacy reasons. You'll therefore need to enable the "Accounts as Campaign Members" functionality in Salesforce first to be able to add accounts in campaign member lists.
Connect to your Salesforce account
Go to Setup, search Account and click on Accounts As Campaign Members
Enable the option and click Save
For more details, please refer directly to Salesforce's docs:
Step 2: Create a custom Campaign Type Intent
You'll want to create a new campaign type Intent
In Salesforce, go to Setup then Object Manager then search for the Campaign object
in Fields & Relationship, select Type
Click New to add a new type Intent
Step 3: Create new Campaigns based on 6sense intent and add accounts as Campaign members
In your Marketing environment in Salesforce, open the Campaign tab and create campaigns with
Type: Intent
Name: enter the 6sense topics, like "SQL Database"
Description: 6sense intent
Repeat for each topic you are following
Create a workflow to add accounts as Campaign Members from the 6sense object using the campaign member status "Intent"
Step 4: Activate the Intent Signals option
MadKudu being connected to your Salesforce, the campaigns, and campaign members will get automatically pulled into MadKudu. Please confirm to MadKudu via a support request that the Campaigns based on 6sense intent data are set up on your end. We'll activate the Intent Signals option in the platform on our end for these events to show up in the Sales Intelligence and Account Engagement model in the Data Studio as "Showed intent for {topic}"